Corporate Philosophy
Explore the future with words.
WIZWORDs 7 Core Values
WIZWORDs 7つの基本的価値観
- Do more with words 言葉でより多くを実行する
- Build open and sincere relationships with communication コミュニケーションを通じてオープンで誠実な人間関係を築く
- Create fun and something a little different 楽しさとちょっと変わったことを創造する
- Accept and drive change 変化を受け入れ原動力にする
- Pursue growth and learning 成長と学びを追求する
- Be always humble 常に謙虚でいる
- No benefiting ourselves without benefiting others 利他なくして自利はなし
Mission 使命
We value individuals and society and contribute to the sound development of Japan and the world toward the future.
Vision 将来像
We will be needed by the people of Japan or the world in value creation.
Value 価値
- Passion 熱意
Be free to think and have a passionate will to propose new values to individuals and society.
- Sincerity 誠意
To provide gratitude, humility and certain value and to have sincerity that contributes to society.
- Diversity 多様性
Recognize and respect the differences in individual values and perspectives.